William Sneath | Durant Cricket | Professional Cricket Equipment Supplier

Durant Cricket Preferred Supplier For Cricket East

Written by: Durant Cricket Admin

Durant Cricket Preferred Supplier For Cricket East

Durant Cricket & Cricket East Partnership

Durant Cricket, leading suppliers of specialist cricket ground equipment to cricket clubs all across the country have signed an agreement with Cricket East as one of their commercial partners.

Cricket East will provide Durant Cricket with a series of measures through logo placement, email communications, face to face meetings and direct promotions to ensure that each of its clubs has access to professional advice from one of the UK’s leading cricket ground equipment providers.

Jacob Miller, of Durant Cricket, met with Cricket East Community Cricket Managers, Will Sneath, Brad Matthews, Phil Lewis and Eddie Ballard to put pen to paper on the agreement at their new HQ in Wyboston, Bedfordshire.

Speaking about the agreement, Durant Cricket founder Cristian Durant said:

“We’re really pleased to be able to partner with Cricket East, and most importantly look forward to working with them to ensure that all cricket clubs in their region have access to high-quality cricket ground equipment to help improve the facilities at their cricket clubs.

Our aim is simple: to supply quality products direct to cricket clubs and schools at affordable prices, and we’ll work closely with the Cricket East team to ensure that all clubs that affiliate to them can access all the information. Whether they’re applying for a grant, participating in Natwest CricketForce or simply need a quote for new scoreboards, sight-screens or covers, we’ll be able to help first time every time.”

Commenting on behalf of Cricket East, Martin Darlow said:

“I am delighted that Durant Cricket is the preferred supplier for Cricket East of high-quality cricket ground equipment.

This partnership provides a great opportunity for our clubs to access advice and guidance on a wide range of cricket ground products at affordable prices from Durant Cricket. This also enables Cricket East to support clubs by signposting to funding streams or grants that will assist in improving facilities and increasing participation.”

For more information on Cricket East visit the website.

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